Upper Darby Class of 1977

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in our Reunion Program

41 Year Reunion Ads expired December 31st, 2022
Renew your ad today!

The Class of 1977 46 Year Reunion was a success!!!

Held on Saturday, September 30th, 2023 6 to 10 pm

Same venue as the 41 Year Reunion - Barnaby's Havertown private (and quite snazzy) banquet room

Four-Hour top shelf open bar with an entree buffet:

Garden Salad & Caesar Salad
Seasonal Veggies
Roasted Red Bliss
Beef Tips
Chicken Marsala
Vegan Pasta Dish
Crab Cakes
(same menu as our 41 Year Reunion! Yuuuum!)

Summary coming soon!

Scroll to the bottom of this page for the Reunion Program


Reunion Attendee Listing


It's still not too late to Round up for Rich!

Questions? Leave a voicemail or text ‪(484) 301-0618

Update your information in the Class of 1977 Database

You risk being out of touch ,,, are YOU in our class database?

Class Database Entry Form

Facebook, Twitter, Classmates.com, etc. all help us stay together but are not a substitute for our Class Website and Class Database.
If you are not receiving notices by direct e-mail from our Class Committee, you risk being out of touch.
To be sure, send your information to the Class Committee.

A mass e-mail went out on Tuesday, September 6th, 2022. If you did not receive it, we don't have your contact info!


Richard Hadfield Memorial Scholarship Fund

Our class continuing to support the Richard Hadfield Memorial Scholarship Fund ..

... please help!

Please donate via PayPal (button below), Venmo @udhs1977,
or mail a check payable to "Upper Darby High School Class of 1977"
to UDHS Class of 1977, 106 Ardsley Road, Upper Darby, PA 19082-1504

Round up for Rich!

Rich Hadfield, class president of the Class of 1977 at Upper Darby High School, suffered a fatal injury as a result of an accident involving a motor vehicle in the summer of 1980. At the time, Rich was working as an assistant to the Public Defenders Office in Washington D.C. He was taking pre-law classes at Villanova University and would have graduated in the spring of 1981. There is no doubt in anyone's mind that Rich was well on his way to success and would have risen to the top of any field, including the law field, which he may have chosen.

As a result of the tragedy which ended Rich's life here on earth, his parents were faced with one of the hardest decisions any parent could ever make. After three agonizing days in the hospital, Rich was still comatose and brain dead and the Hadfields made the decision to allow doctors to remove Rich's organs before turning off life support. It is only fitting that, even in death, Rich literally gave all he had to help some others live their lives to the fullest.

Shortly after Rich's passing, the Richard Hadfield Memorial Scholarship Fund was established. Every year since 1981, an Upper Darby High School student active in athletics, sports, and in their class was given a gift of $600 towards their costs associated with pursuing a college degree.

It is only appropriate now that our class helps in taking up the torch passed by Rich, and also in honor of all our classmates who have gone on before us, and speak into other students lives both encouragement and blessing through a gift to the Richard Hadfield Memorial Scholarship Fund.

Our class has been instrumental in supporting this scholarship to help keep Rich's memory alive.

Go to the Richard Hadfield Memorial Scholarship Fund page

Class of 1977 Yearbook

PDF format, 34 MB
(Password protected - PDF cannot be printed)

Contact the school store at the high school to purchase a BRAND NEW 1977 yearbook

In Memory of Our Deceased Classmates

Go to the Deceased Classmate page


Upper Darby High School Class of 1977 41 Year Class Reunion

What an event!

UDHS 1977 41 Year Committee
The Upper Darby High School Class of 1977 Reunion Committee at the 41 Year Reunion

L-R: Andra (Nichols) Vito, Patti (Clay) Hollenback, Andy Dougherty, Michele (Layman) McDonald, Lou Schonder, Julia Leyden, Marianne (Dedeian) Antolini

Attendee Listing

Our 41 Year Class Reunion was on Saturday, April 28th, 2018. We met in the banquet room of Barnaby's in Havertown PA. The facility underwent complete renovations recently and the private room downstairs is both classy and comfortable, keeping with our “Class with class” paradigm. We were very well accommodated!

All of us on the Reunion Committee worked hard for well over a year to plan this event, and we consider that our efforts were completely worth it. Everyone had a great time!!! We appreciate all the gratitude that was shown to us frequently throughout the evening. We knew all along, and were assured that a good number of our classmates would attend and enjoy the evening. It was easy for us to be motivated knowing our effort would be so rewarded.

Many classmates raved over the quality of Barnaby’s buffet menu! The appetizer tray set out included tasty meats and cheeses with crackers along with a nice fruit and veggie selection. The sensational dinner fare included a beef dish, a chicken dish, a pasta dish, crab cakes, and potatoes, and plenty of vegetables. A top shelf open bar kept the attendees well-lubricated for the entire four-hour event. A big hit of the evening was the 60s style VW Bus photo prop which was created by Julia Leyden and Michele McDonald of the Reunion Committee. Many enjoyed dancing to the reunion mix by DJ Lou.

Our reunion sponsors played a key role in making the entire event possible. It was much easier to plan and execute the event financially with their help. Please take a moment to browse their ads in the Reunion Program or on our Class Website and consider patronizing their businesses and/or charitable organizations. We look forward to continuing to receive their support in the future!

In an effort to raise money for the ongoing Rich Hadfield Scholarship Fund, a 50/50 was held during our reunion. The 50/50 winner, Lynn Petrosina DiGnazio graciously donated her winnings, and additional donations brought the total raised during the event to $250. Donations via PayPal on our class website raised more than $400 as of the time of this writing. The Rich Hadfield Scholarship Fund awards a $500 scholarship each year to a worthy Upper Darby High School student.

Two teachers from DHJHS, Chuck Brogley and Bob Fatscher, enjoyed the entire evening (after claiming to be only “stopping by,” hah!). They both looked great for being over 60, and were the only old people in the room. Although the event officially ended at 10 pm when Barnaby’s private room became public, about half of our classmates stayed at least another hour, and a couple dozen of us made it to last call on the outdoor deck upstairs! OUTSTANDING, and we’ll see you all next time!!

- Lou Schonder, UDHS Class of 1977 Committee Class Dictator

Our 36 Year Reunion was April 20th, 2013

... at the Polish American Club in Clifton Heights, PA

Tasty buffet - DJ - Saturday, April 20, 2013 7-12 pm - Modest pricing - Casual attire - Five-Hour Open Bar

Upper_Darby_High_School_Class_of_1977_36_Year_Reunion_Program (password protected)

Right click the link above as "Save target as" to your computer.

E-mail webmaster@udhs1977.org for password.

Scroll down for other reunion programs.

UD1977 Reunion Committee
The Upper Darby High School Class of 1977 Reunion Committee at the 36 Year Reunion

First row: Lou Schonder
Second row: Patti (Clay) Hollenback, Donna (Wilson) Bryson
Third row: Michele (Layman) McDonald, Andra (Nichols) Vito
Fourth row: Andy Dougherty


Upper Darby Class of 1977 - 30 Year Reunion

Friday, November 23rd, 2007, 6 pm to 11pm - Philadelphia City Line Hilton

Reunion Program - PDF format, 10 MB
Right-click and select "Save Target As" to save to hard drive
(password protected, )

First of all the reunion committee would like to express heartfelt gratitude to all those who attended the event and our reunion sponsors. Without all of your support this reunion would not have been possible. Our 30th Reunion at the Philadelphia City Line Hilton was a smashing success! This was due to all those who made the decision to come down there and join us on “Black Friday” evening November 23rd 2007.

The Spirit of Reunion was warm and friendly as many old friends were able to catch up with each other. Participation among the old Drexel Hill Junior High school students and teachers was very strong. We even had a few teachers from DHJHS join us, Norman Feldman and Mary Lou Natale Dinkleman. We were delighted to see so many former UDHS teachers attend (See attendee list) including appearances made by Jean Smith and Lee Stevens who even “juggled their schedules” to attend.

A few classmates made elaborate travel plans to attend the reunion, and here are a few: Sue Black -VA, Lynn Thrash Maloney - FL, Kathy Miles Rogers - CA, James Houston CA , Paul Schueren CA, Majorie Fisher Huey – TX, Emmanuel Socolovsky - ISRAEL to name a few. We’re extremely happy they all made such an effort!

The reunion kicked off with brief opening remarks by Andy Dougherty and a wonderful invocation of blessing upon the event and the time by Pastor Philip Underwood of Cornerstone Christian Church (who is also one of our sponsors - so thanks for that Phil!) Phil is a native New Zealander and many of our classmates were interested to find this out as they pressed him for info regarding his “Kiwi” accent.

Not enough could be said about the quality of the buffet menu at the City Line Hilton! The fillet mignon with the béarnaise was simply TDF (To Die For). The chicken and fish were excellent, and the fruits, vegetables, and salads put out by the Hilton made it a diverse spread with something for every palate.

An interesting moment came when two classmates got up and made an announcement. Andy Dougherty mentioned some trouble he had gotten into right after the 25th reunion, but also pointed out that He was a trophy of God’s grace. Fran Ianetta then spoke of how the two men enjoyed a special kinship which went back to their days at Drexel Hill Elementary. The two men celebrated the fact that they are now “alive and well” by sharing a dance to Frank Sinatra’s “Summerwind,” a classic and a favorite of them both.

Along the lines of elementary school kinships, it was apparent by sheer number of attendees that the old Aronomink elementary school bunch was all still “very tight” and genuinely glad to see each other. Larry Oranzi, George Marinelli, Emmanuel Socolovsky, Kevin McClung, Paul Schueren, Mark Damiri, and Rick Christy Stone were reunited along with Elizabeth Coulter.

There were two notable contingents of fine ladies who graced our reunion as well. The first were the “Westbrook Park Girls.” They obviously have been very tight for a long time and it showed as they were reunited. These included: Marlyn Koran Andreozzi, Janet Carpenter Cavalier, Andra Nicholas, Kim Forbes, and Phyllis Bonnett Tegethoff. We were also glad to welcome the “Greek Sisters” connection of: Athena Tzioutziouklaris Efthimiou, Fani Hatzis Zarvalas, and Maria Giannakoudis Trzcinski.

The event wound up with a dance contest and fierce competition for the coveted UD 30th reunion polo shirts. Some winners of the shirt dance contest rounds were Marie Welsh Rimgaila, and Mary Lou Natale Dinkleman. Donna Wilson Bryson was also named the “unofficial winner” of the dance contest.

The event wrapped up by midnight with many guests retiring to either the sports bar or their hotel rooms.

- Andy Dougherty, UDHS Class of 1977 Committee Secretary

Upper Darby Class of 1977 25 Year Reunion

Reunion Program - PDF format, 1.7 MB
Right-click and select "Save Target As" to save to hard drive
(password protected, )

UD1977 Reunion Committee

The Upper Darby High School Class of 1977 Reunion Committee at the 25th Reunion.

Top row: Lou Schonder, George Marinelli, Carol (D'Allesandro) Zipperlen, Jeff Kwait,Andy Dougherty, Mark Branson. Seated: Terry (Baudry) Quedenfeld, Terry (Hogan) Santalucci, Sue (Crowers) Keenan.

The Class of 1977 from Upper Darby High School celebrated its 25th year reunion on November 29, 2002 at the Radisson Valley Forge Hotel in King of Prussia, PA. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Funk, Mr. Ed Medzarantz, and Mr. Glen Yacono (former teachers) were among the alumni and guests. Teacher Dr. Pam (Blinder) Doray was seen circulating among her former students during the cocktail hour from 7-8 p.m. which included a cash bar and hors d’oeuvres.

The main event began at 8 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom and was kicked-off with the introduction of the Reunion Committee and a taped presentation of good wishes coming from the Beach Boys. A tribute to our deceased class president, Rich Hadfield, was given by George Marinelli and a check to the Hadfield Scholarship Fund for $1825 was presented to Rich’s brother, Scott Hadfield. (Another $800+ was collected and a check will be mailed to help keep the scholarship going.)

Among the many attendees, some who had come from as far away as San Francisco, there was one who came across the globe to celebrate. Emmanuel Socolovsky returned to his home in the United States from Israel where he has lived for the past 23 years. This was the first time in that many years that he had seen many of his peers and a special gift was presented to him.

Andy Dougherty delivered the Invocation and a buffet dinner was served. Musical entertainment was provided by Sound Production, door prizes donated by the classmates themselves were given away, and a photographer from Helen Hayes was on hand for those who wanted the evening commemorated in pictures.

The evening ended around midnight with many guests continuing to celebrate in several of the hotel’s suites. Comments, suggestions and pictures are always welcome.

--- Carole (D’Alessandro) Zipperlen, class correspondent

Class of 1977
Reunion Program Archive

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Reunion Program?
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2007 2013 2002 46 Year Reunion Program
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Last updated October 18, 2023