Upper Darby Class of 1977


Upper Darby High School Class of 1977 46th Year Reunion Attendees

As of March 14, 2025, we have 45 classmates attending.

Buy your ticket today!


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Patricia Adams
Susan Black
Cecilia Cacciola
Janet Carpenter
Michael Celenza
Patti Clay
Cathryn Cole
Nancy Corner
Sue Ellen Crowers
Phil Curran
Carole D'Alessandro
Marianne Dedeian
Frank Di Joseph
Andrew Dougherty
Tracy Edwards
Lisa Marie Fiora
Daniel Gorman
David Gottshall
Debbie Hammer
Mary Ann Healy
Theresa Hogan
Deborah Jeffries
Kirk Karagelian
William Kleinert
Julia Leyden
George Marinelli
Joanne Mathews
Kevin McClung
Joanne McGovern
Cecelia Miccolis
Jeff Morrison
John Motamed
Andra Nicholas
James O'Connell
Victor Patalano
Charles Ricciardi
Linda Riley
Nancy Sage
Lou Schonder
Manny Socolovsky
Carol Stewart
Lynn Thrash
Gail Wagner
Donna Wilson
David Yingling

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